Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day of School- 1st Grade

SO we have managed to start school off nicely!! Olivia is doing well and pretty easy to get up and get going. She is living off of charts to earn money for American Girl!!! It is really working- most of the time. Its nice b/c all I do is wake her up then she goes and reads her morning routine chart and does everything!!! Love it!! The night time one not going as well but not too bad either!! Tried the charts w/ Billy, but he just doesn't care!!
Josie is just so so much fun right now!! She is staying w/ me at work more instead of daycare b/c she is just so good anymore. Pretty funny gal too!! Just like Billy was, if not funnier!! And she loves her mama too!! But when she sees her dad- she flips out!! She just adores him anymore!! I can't drive by the farm w/ out stopping or she gets very upset!! He's loving it since she has been such a mama's girl for so long. But he does realize in the end that she still wants her mom!!!
Well not much else going on- you people need to entertain me w/ some new posts!!!!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Well, the last blog I had been stuck @ home b/c the kids were sick and I was hoping it was over- NO- the next wk I got it!! Sickest I think I have ever been!! I was absolutely miserable!! Luckily, Bo came to my rescue(I know- stop rollin eyes!) Seriously though- he did EVERYTHING!!! Took care of kids, fixed dinner and was even nice. He did realize how hard it is for me to cook, clean AND have 3 kids up under me!! He said I was a pretty good mom to be able to do all of that!! But now I am better and back to work. We are still going to the pool as much as we can. The whole working out thing is not going so well, ever since I was sick I just can't get motivated. No walking b/c its like 105 outside, can't do my video b/c dvd player broke- this sucks. I still do some but I really need to get back at it! I have lost about 33 lbs now so that makes me happy!!
Olivia is sooo not ready for school. So that day will be very interesting- its next Wednesday-AGHH!! So not ready, but it will be good for her to be back on a schedule! She definetly needs order or she is just a nightmare!! We were gettin to the point of not knowing what to do anymore w/ out someone calling the state on us!! Hopefully, after school starts and she's more on a schedule, it will get better w/ her. As for Billy- well, he's 3!! Not much more you can say. Hell on wheels!!!! He is just a handful anymore!! So much energy its insane!! But still very loving little guy!! And then there's Josie- awe- just love her. She is at such a fun phase. She went from crawling to running. She now is trying to talk, so she will babble a full sentence like she is telling you something- its so funny!!
We are so so excited to be coming in October- the kids are already talking about it!! Olivia tells everyone she can't wait to play w/ her girly girl cousins b/c she doesn't have any here!! Anyway, I'll quit babbling- kindof boring here for now, but we did get to see Toy Story 3 so that was fun! Anyway- talk to ya later!! LOVES......