here I am- Bo finally got another picture. I am now 33 1/2 weeks!!! The count down begins! No, I still don't know what it is and I think I will actually wait now that I am this close. I am definetly ready, except for the car part. Which I am thinking we will go this weekend but not sure. Anyway, just thought I would share how miserably big I have gotten.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
ok- so I forgot to post the pictures of the baby chics- there is good reason for this. See, we bought them the weekend that winter storm came in unexpectedly so it got really cold . We had bought about 30 of them and all but 6 ended up getting pneumonia and dying. We did have lots of heat lamps on them but it wasn't enough. Bo did take the kids and bought more once it warmed up but our chicken luck this year just "sucks". As you can see, Billy wouldn't hold one but he does like to get the eggs. That one in his hands lasted all of 3 seconds before he threw it. I do admit that it is nice not having to buy eggs and it teaches Olivia how to take care of things- she has to help gather the eggs.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Why oh Why!!??!!??! I feel like I am going to lose it with a certain little 5 year old. I love her more than anything but her attitude is really going to make me crazy!! Its always something- her pants don't fit right, her shoes won't buckle, its too cold, too hot-AGHHHH!! And she doesn't just complain- she has a complete melt down. And there is nothing to calm her down. The worst is how ugly she talks to me- you would think she was 13!! She shakes her head and sticks her tongue out ALL THE TIME!! It doesn't matter what I do she just ignores me. She tells me she hates me and that I am the worst mom. But when daddy comes home she does whatever he says. Now he does have his problems with her but no where near what I have to deal with. I really feel like there is nothing I can do at times. I am afraid that my temper might get the best of me. Luckily, little man will do something in the midst of it all and make me laugh. But there are times I just want to break down and cry when she says what she does. I know it is just a phase but it needs to be over SOON!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Well, here we are with only 8 weeks left until our little one appears. I have to admit that I am getting a bit anxious with the whole thing. I am slowly getting things ready at the house but I don't want to do too much b/c little man doesn't understand that its for the baby and not him. We are managing in our small house. I am trying to make it all work and so far so good. We still have not found a car yet but we are looking. That is probably my biggest stresser is the baby coming before the car. But my midwife assures me that she does not think I will go early since I didn't with the others so that is good. She is being kindof mean though b/c she is not going to let me have another sonogram b/c she knows that I will cave and want to know what the baby is!!! She said that I have to wait!! She is pretty funny about it all, she has to be the best midwife- we love her. Bo is betting on it being a girl and I bet a boy- not for any particular reason just to bet against him. This baby is definitely being a challenge when it comes to that part. I would never put money on what sex it is b/c I have NO idea!! Olivia loves to sit and just watch my belly roll around- she thinks its just funny and can't wait to see the baby. Billy doesn't quite get it- he will kiss my belly and try to give the baby a blanket but doesn't know how to give it to him/her! Its pretty cute. He has started being more clingy to me but I hope when the baby comes he will do like Olivia and just want her dad most of the time. We'll see. I am feeling ok- a lot more pain in the hip and leg area with this one so the doc gave me a muscle relaxer to take at bedtime along with Tylenol p.m. and that seems to be helping a lot. I am definitely ready to not be pregnant anymore. Well, I will keep ya updated on any changes- my appointments are every 2 wks now so hopefully that'll help it go by faster......
Saturday, April 11, 2009
For Mom!!!!!!
Just thought I'd show you pictures of the kids after they went to bed last night. They LOVE the bunnies! Billy is holding tight to the bunnies leg! And Olivia was so excited about the Junior Mints:) She called last night but I figured you were doing something with dad. Anyway, just thought I'd show you how much they appreciated it- THANKS:)
And if you look at Billy- behind him under the blanket is his dog from Christmas!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ok, so I know it has been awhile since I have posted anything but I really didn't have much going on- no fun pictures or anything. But we did go to an Easter egg hunt Saturday(which was supposed to be a 70' day & sunny, it ended up VERY windy, cold & raining!) But we still went. I was a little dissapointed. We got there and they had us all sit in the chapel area for a play and the preacher to say some things. Wouldn't have bothered me too much if I had known ahead of time b/c I was completely unprepared to keep little Billy occupied for all of this. But Olivia went up front with other kids and they sang and danced with the teacher- kindof reminded me of some kind of Bible Camp. Then they took each age group out with a leader, Olivia went with her group and I of course stayed with little man. He had fun filling other kids baskets. After it was done I guess I just assumed that they would take the kids back inside and have them sit and wait for the parents- NO!! They just left them alone- Olivia was terrified b/c she really didn't know anyone and she couldn't find me. I found her pretty quick but she was very upset. We got in the car b/c it started to rain and she just broke down. I was furious that they just left he there. So I went and got her icecream and her world was all better!! And to top it off, little Billy was on the cover of the newspaper b/c of it. That just made my day:)
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