Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Well, here we are with only 8 weeks left until our little one appears. I have to admit that I am getting a bit anxious with the whole thing. I am slowly getting things ready at the house but I don't want to do too much b/c little man doesn't understand that its for the baby and not him. We are managing in our small house. I am trying to make it all work and so far so good. We still have not found a car yet but we are looking. That is probably my biggest stresser is the baby coming before the car. But my midwife assures me that she does not think I will go early since I didn't with the others so that is good. She is being kindof mean though b/c she is not going to let me have another sonogram b/c she knows that I will cave and want to know what the baby is!!! She said that I have to wait!! She is pretty funny about it all, she has to be the best midwife- we love her. Bo is betting on it being a girl and I bet a boy- not for any particular reason just to bet against him. This baby is definitely being a challenge when it comes to that part. I would never put money on what sex it is b/c I have NO idea!! Olivia loves to sit and just watch my belly roll around- she thinks its just funny and can't wait to see the baby. Billy doesn't quite get it- he will kiss my belly and try to give the baby a blanket but doesn't know how to give it to him/her! Its pretty cute. He has started being more clingy to me but I hope when the baby comes he will do like Olivia and just want her dad most of the time. We'll see. I am feeling ok- a lot more pain in the hip and leg area with this one so the doc gave me a muscle relaxer to take at bedtime along with Tylenol p.m. and that seems to be helping a lot. I am definitely ready to not be pregnant anymore. Well, I will keep ya updated on any changes- my appointments are every 2 wks now so hopefully that'll help it go by faster......


Heather said...

Darn that midwife! I want to know!!!

Michelle said...

Me too!