Saturday, July 18, 2009

Billy's New Ride!!

So we were a bit late on Billy's birthday present but- alot was going on!! He didn't notice. He was so excited to get his NEW Gator!! He had an old one at the farm that was a hand me down but it was in really bad shape. And this is a new body style, with cup holders and everything. It was the best money we have spent in a long time!!! Olivia wasn't very happy at first that he got something big and she didn't- granted she will be gettin a new four wheeler when we find the right one but it was at that moment that she didn't understand. Needless to say, the next day she was excited to help put it together and show everyone her little brother on his new ride.


tlwhelan8 said...

he is so to die for.....

Anonymous said...

Man, you guys are way cooler than we are! I mean, RJ just got a bike for his birthday, nothing cool like that thing! And Courtlyn, well..she will likely be getting baby dolls and crap like that! What 2 year old gets a new set of wheels for his birthday?? Oh, right, the ones that live on farms with cool parents!! I hope he has tons of fun with it! And, Olivia with a new 4, we are a bit boring for real! You know, Courtlyn would probably love a cool sandbox for her birthday..just a thought...hehe

brittany said...

i'll put the order in for the sandbox :) they are pretty spoiled i know