Thursday, August 6, 2009

Just a Quick Update!!

Ok, so as most of you know I have started this Nutrisystem diet. So far the food has been pretty good. My hardest part is not snacking cause thats what I do the most. I usually don't just sit down and eat a big meal. I do have to eat 5 meals a day- Breakfast, lunch , snack, dinner & dessert. I really look forward to the dessert cause thats when i get my chocolate. You are to keep track of everything you eat and you have to eat everything they say. I would have to say thats where I have been slippin. I get so busy at work (which is GREAT!!) but then by the time I think about it I have skipped snack or not had the chance to eat everything I was supposed to for lunchbut, with all that I have managed to lose 6 lbs in one week. That's right- 6lbs!!!! I was so excited. I know its far from where I need to be but the best start off I have had with all the diets I have tried. So, for now, it is going well. I have only really cheated once- those dang cokes!! But I'll keep ya posted.
On another note, some of you know that we had a dog that kept taking off all of a sudden. He even cam one time neutered! I mean really, who does that to someone elses dog?!? We even tied him up one night and the next day he was gone so we thought someone took him. We posted signs and everything for a missing dog and no luck. Well, yesterday I was taking my niece home and took a different way home and lo and behold- THERE"S FLASH!! That's his name!! Olivia noticed him with 2 other dogs and some lady. I stopped the van and asked her where she got him. She said he just showed up about a year ago. I told her that's our dog. We both weren't really sure where to go from there. SO I told her I had to call Bo and see what he wanted to do but really I knew we were going to take him b/c Olivia would have thrown a fit. Of course Bo says to get him so after I got gas in the car I went back and got him. The lady cried and i felt just awful but he is our dog. SO he is now back at home and hopefully will stay there this time!!!


Anonymous said...

You go girl! I am eating a brownie, so clearly, I am not losing any weight:) And, you know me, I would have told the woman to keep the dog, and asked if the kids could come by and visit every once in a while. You are much kinder than I am!! Keep up the good work..cant wait to see your skinny self!!

Lindsey said...

WAY TO GO!!!! I'm so proud of you and so excited for you!! Keep up the momentum and don't let those little indulgences slow you down. To key to lasting success is doing something you can stick to and enjoy in the mean time. If that means straying from the diet for a moment just to maintain sanity, then allow yourself that moment and get right back to the plan.
As for me, I think gall bladder surgery was just what I needed to get me the rest of the way! I don't think I've had 500 calories in two days... hmmmm... guess I'll take the silver lining and hope to be able to eat normally again soon!

Josey is so stinking pretty!!!!!