Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Olivia's First Day

So, Ms. Olivia had her first day of school today. She woke up all excited and then slowly got more and more nervous. But after we got her all dolled up she was ready to go. She wanted to eat breakfast there so we towed all 3 children in and took her to eat. Then we went and took her to her classroom. She put her stuff in her locker and ran into her classroom. Just to see her sitting at the table with such excitement was so sweet. I did not cry though. They got out early today so I went to pick her up. As I pulled up she was standing there with her teacher and her big backpack with a big smile on her face- thats when I teared up the most, I couldn't wait to get to her and hear all about her day. Of course it took about 20 minutes to get through the line of eager parents wanting to do the same but I finally made it. She got in the van and said she just loved it. She can't wait to go back. She wanted to call everyone- but I had to limit it to her daddy and Grandma Whelan. I then took her out to lunch and to the salon- after letting her get a small toy she began to tell me how much she loved me and that she would never say she hates me again- well, she would try not to cause it can be hard sometimes!!! Little stinker :)


Michelle said...

Aww what a cutie! So glad she had a great first day!

Anonymous said...

Its a tough/thrilling day when your oldest heads off to school huh!? Do they do a full day or half day program? She looks so cute and grown up in those pictures. I hope she continues to love school and that she keeps her promise to stop hating you:) Arent they just precious!

tlwhelan8 said...

hmmmm...too fast..loved the excited call

brittany said...

she is going to full day- good b/c we are only paying daycare for one right now :)