Wednesday, June 2, 2010

1 year

9 months

5 months

10 days old

Happy 1st Birthday to my beautiful baby girl- Josephine Lynne- better known as "Josie bug"!!!!! It has definetly been a crazy year but I have been blessed to be able to take this little monkey to work with me every day. She has become our little greeter here at the salon. People automatically look for her when they come in!! She has lots of grandma's that hold her and kids that love to play with her. She has such a great personality! She cheeses at the sight of a camera. She is definetly a mama's girl which at times wears me out but it is nice to be so needed. And I am hoping that one day she might actually sleep through the night!! I love this baby dearly and wish time would slow down a bit but I also love the new things she does every day!! Happy Birthday baby!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love that little Billy duplicate...give her hugs and kisses for us...hopefully their B D presents get there soon...mmmmm...MUD PIES...yummy...Love ya...Grandma Whelan