Thursday, May 14, 2009

So as of right now, Bo is not making ANY effort on this house thing so I cannot update you on that but I might start pushing for him to go make an offer- so we'll see.

As for the baby- I am now dialated to a 2 and 80% effaced. I don't think I'll go early though b/c I was this way with my other 2 but this baby is waaaay down there so we'll see. The doc said that she is just going to keep an eye on me each week and if I keep progressing then we can talk about earlier so we'll just be patient. But by the 8th for sure-i am definetly DONE!! This pregnancy has been so much harder than the others that i just want it to be done and I am getting so impatient of if it is a boy or girl.

The Flower Girl- she did a great job! I of course cried as she walked down the aisle- it was precious! I didn't get very many pictures but the photographer got a bunch so when i get those i will post them but here is one that someone else took just not the best! And ignore the way I look b/c it was a long day!


Anonymous said...

Oh, cant wait to see some great pictures of the princess! Thanks goodness she was well behaved, we all know it can easily go either way!! And, all I can say about your stinkin 2 cm is that I am JEALOUS!! I mean, clearly I dont actually want to be 2 cm at this point in the pregnancy, but I sure wish I was as close as you are...less than a month, AHH! And, we totally cant wait to hear if it is a boy or girl too! My bet is a girl, but we shall see:)

Lindsey said...

Ahhh the end is nigh. Hopefully he/she won't torture you much longer... we're all anxious to see what's cooking in there! And I'm very hopeful that I will be making a trip that way this summer. I'll keep you posted on that. Lacey definitely needs to get to know her Aunt Brittany better and it would be unbelieveably cute to see her running around the farm a bit. Plus, I want to meet the little one!
And yes, I'm spoiled, but your ring is surely beautiful and no less special than mine. In fact, because it was so out of character for Bo to do, it may even be a bit more meaningful for you. And hey, if we keep this relationship with the jewelers for years to come, I may get bored of all the lovely jewelry and start picking things out for my wonderful sisters! We'll see!