Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our first 70' day!!! The kids just stayed outside all day. Well, we were kindof lazy in the morning, then I cleaned our glider that seems to get every stain on it. Then we had swim lessons and went home. The kids played outside in the sand box forever. Billy drug every toy out of the barn to play with so that was fun to clean up, then they went to the farm the rest of the night. It was great for them to be outside. Its amazing how there is little fighting or demanding. Makes my life alot easier. I even scrubbed the carpets in my car while they played. Never thought it could look that clean. Chocolate does come up!! Now it is ready to sell-no, I don't know when that'll be, but it will be soon:) I am very excited to venture on to a bigger vehicle. The blazer has been great but its time to mini van it-YEAHHH!! Never thought I would say that, and Bo said we could even look at some SUV's if I wanted but I don't want to have to lift a baby seat up into an Suv. I don't know-we'll see.

Oh and by the way- that 70' weather is gone and it is raining and possible chance of snow in a couple of days!!!!!!!
Wow- I didn't know my name choices were so bad!!! I do love Isabella but it is WAY too popular right now. As for Josephine Lynne- Josephine is after his grandma and Lynne-our mom obviously! But we would call her either Joey or Josie. I am quite in love with that name. And besides, I am beginning to think its a boy, and yes, I LOVE the name Simon!!!! And so far Bo is liking it too, but he also wants to name him Favre!!! NOOOO!!! That won't happen but the boy name has been the hardest one to pick b'c he always wanted Isaiah and I don't like it so you will all just have to wait now until the baby is here!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

ok, so I currently sent a "friend" this picture and just thought I would post it cause I think its so darn cute!! She is definetly growing up fast. She is alot of fun although very dramatic at time!! I wonder where she gets that?!?! The picture is just from a day at the farm that Aunt Vicki took her in Kansas. Gotta love that kid!! Other than that, not much going on here in Kansas, just looking forward to the 68' weather tomorrow!! And wondering if my hubbie is going to try to top Valentines Day for my birthday--we shall see!!!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Day

Ok, so normally this day just comes and goes at our house. I am not a fan normally of Valentines Day b/c of the lack of romance that has existed in my life- even before marriage. Yes, my husband will stop by the closest grocery store on his way home and get me a bouquet of tulips but thats it. I, on the other hand, make a big dinner with candles and all, etc. etc. Well, not this year- I had decided not to do anything but a handmade gift from the kids. I wasn't going all out again. Thats when it kicks me in the butt- my husband actually went all out this year. We went out to eat Friday night to a place called Texas Road House. Awesome- mind you, we NEVER go out to eat, especially not to a steak house!! But he wanted to for Valentines so we went- with kids in tow. Then he got me some beautiful tulips- they are my fav. So, I felt a little guilty. Saturday we really didn't do much b/c we were supposed to go to his nieces b-day party but his step grandfather died and he was a pall bearer so that took up most of the day and the party was cancelled. That night consisted of the tractor being worked on and eating left over from the night before- which did not bother me b/c I got to watch stupid lovey dovey movies on t.v. By the time he came home, Billy was asleep and I was almost there but he still had Olivia and she needed a bath. She was acting kindof goofy like she knew something but wouldn't tell me so after putting her to bed, Bo & I watched t.v then went to bed. The next morning, Bo got BOTH kids ready for church while I got ready. Then as I am getting Billy's snacks for church, little Olivia comes around the corner with something in her hand and a huge grin on her face- she handed it to me and said it was from daddy, he was standing behind her. In her hand was a ring- yes thats what I said- A RING!!!!! No, not a big diamond ring- just a sweet beautiful ring with small diamonds all over. I started to cry giving my wonderful husband a hug and kiss. See, he is not the type to do this. I was blown away. He has been absolutely the most wonderful guy lately, helping out more and just being really sweet. I know all marriages have there ups and downs and mine definitely has, so I am just relishing in this moment. I asked him that night why he did all that and he said that he had never really done anything in all of our 9 years together and thought I deserved it b/c thats how much he loves me!!! AHHHH! I love him......

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ahh, the joys of parenting.....
As many of you know my wonderful little obnoxious 5 year old has had problems since she was born with bed time routine. Ok, her dad has. See he works late and wants to come home and just hold her but in the end-at 10 o'clock- I'm the one up fighting her to go to bed. It has been a battle between the three of us that would really get me upset at times. So when Billy came along, I put my foot down- 8 o'clock and he is in bed, his bed!! He has been wonderful, give him his binkie and mimi(blankie) and he lays down, might take him a bit to fall asleep but he does-ALL ON HIS OWN!!! It is possible, he even sleeps through the night- most of the time! Anyway, back to Ms. Olivia, last week I put a sticker chart on the fridge, for 2 weeks, if she goes to bed when I say, at 8:30, with no battle and stays there she gets a sticker the next day, and at the end of it all she gets a special prize. But if she messes up even one time, she has to start all over. And lo and behold- its working. Yes, I did try the chart idea before but I think its b/c of her age now and the fact that her and Billy go to bed together it helps. I also put lights on her bed b/c her cousin, Kyra, had that and she just loved it. I am so happy. I put them both down last night after baths and that was it, they went to sleep- its a miracle. And right on time with the other baby coming in June-its perfect. I can't express how happy it makes me, yes, I am easy to please but it has really been a battle. One that little brother was starting to catch on to so I am glad its over. She hasn't decided what her prize is yet- it will either be Disney on Ice or go to a movie and lunch with mommy. Still waiting for her to decide. I am just happy that it finally worked- but I wonder-where's my prize for working so hard for all these years to get this to happen. I guess it s the fact that it happened and I'm not up till 10:30 fighting with her anymore

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So, we finally had a nice day here in Kansas. The temperature was good, no wind, no snow, no rain. So as soon as we get home Ms. Olivia puts on her "summer" clothes-flip flops and all. It was only about 68' but she was hot!! Then they head outside. Next thing I know they are in the mud. Olivia thought she was surely gonna get it b/c this is a big no no to dig in the yard. But daddy was no where around and it was just a spot on the edge of the yard and they were being soo good so who am I to stop them. It also reminded me of when we were kids making mud pies so I don't make them stop, I grab the camera. It was quite humerous and they were so entertained. Then they really loved to go clean up in the water spout, again another no no for them to play in that but I wasn't lettin them in my house with all that mud, so I let them play in the water for a few minutes. By the end Billy was soaked,, Olivia was cold and there was mud everywhere, good thing it rained on Monday.

Monday, February 2, 2009

the newest addition to our family. His name is Ace. He is absolutely adorable. He is only 50 lbs, which is about 1/2 the size of a normal calf. He is our little midget. Billy loves him. He can't kick or anything so he is just right for the kids. They feed him with a bottle. When Bo is at the farm, Ace just runs around like a puppy, he follows them everywhere. It is great.