the newest addition to our family. His name is Ace. He is absolutely adorable. He is only 50 lbs, which is about 1/2 the size of a normal calf. He is our little midget. Billy loves him. He can't kick or anything so he is just right for the kids. They feed him with a bottle. When Bo is at the farm, Ace just runs around like a puppy, he follows them everywhere. It is great.
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This new friend isn't going to be dinner some day, is he? Cuz that would just be sad.
Ummm...this is when you know we are in two different worlds...your kids have a pet COW!! I mean, really, that is just about surreal...beyond adorable..but so like a movie or something!! And..really, that little guy does not need to end up in my chili, I am with Lindsey:) I dont want to see them when they are cute, and your kids actually play with them...I could become a vegetarian..OK, not really, but it does sting just a little!!
no worries, he is probably too much of a runt to be worth eating, and Bo never tells me which one is in our freezer-that is a rule at our house. But Ace will probably just be for fun
just love out on the farm so we can all be so jealous...
working on getting him to do that
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